

The Image Data Resource (IDR) provides a JSON-based API for accessing all datasets, thumbnails and metadata. This API is a combination of the standard OMERO.web API and newly developed search engine.

The code for the IPython notebook below is available on GitHub at IDR_API_example_script.ipynb as well as on the IDR virtual analysis environment and can also be run in public resource like

Example of using the IDR web API

OMERO.web uses a default session backend authentication scheme for authentication. First create a HTTP session using the requests library:

import requests


# create http session
with requests.Session() as session:
    request = requests.Request('GET', INDEX_PAGE)
    prepped = session.prepare_request(request)
    response = session.send(prepped)
    if response.status_code != 200:


Get Study map annotation:

# initial data
screen_id = 102

MAP_URL = "{type}={screen_id}"

qs = {'type': 'screen', 'screen_id': screen_id}
url = MAP_URL.format(**qs)
for a in session.get(url).json()['annotations']:
    namespace = a['ns']
    for v in a['values']:
        key = v[0]
        value = v[1]
        print (key, value)

Get Plates in the given Screen:

PLATES_URL = "{screen_id}"

qs = {'screen_id': screen_id}
url = PLATES_URL.format(**qs)
for p in session.get(url).json()['plates']:
    plate_id = p['id']
    print (p['id'], p['name'], p['childCount'])

Get PlateGrid:

WELLS_IMAGES_URL = "{plate_id}/{field}/"

qs = {'plate_id': plate_id, 'field': 0}
url = WELLS_IMAGES_URL.format(**qs)
grid = session.get(url).json()
rowlabels = grid['rowlabels']
collabels = grid['collabels']
for row in grid['grid']:
    for cell in row:
        if cell is not None:
            well_id = cell['wellId']
            image_id = cell['id']
            thumb_url = cell['thumb_url']
            field = cell['field']
            print (cell['wellId'], cell['id'], cell['thumb_url'], cell['field'])

Get Image:

qs = {'image_id': image_id}
IMAGE_DETAILS_URL = "{image_id}/"
url = IMAGE_DETAILS_URL.format(**qs)
r = session.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
    print (r.json())

Get Image map annotation:

MAP_URL = "{type}={image_id}"

qs = {'type': 'image', 'image_id': image_id}
url = MAP_URL.format(**qs)
for a in session.get(url).json()['annotations']:
    namespace = a['ns']
    for v in a['values']:
        key = v[0]
        value = v[1]
        print (key, value)

Get Image Thumbnail:

THUMBNAIL_URL = "{thumb_url}"

qs = {'thumb_url': thumb_url}
url = THUMBNAIL_URL.format(**qs)
r = session.get(url, stream=True)
if r.status_code == 200:
    with open("path_to_thumbnail", 'wb') as f:
        # read the data in 128 byte chunks
        for chunk in r:

# For other images (non-HCS) use:

THUMBNAIL_URL = "{image_id}/"

Get bulk annotation:

BULK_URL = "{well_id}/query/?query=Well-{well_id}"

qs = {'well_id': well_id}
url = BULK_URL.format(**qs)
r = session.get(url)
print (r.json())

# or download entire bulk_annotation file:

FILEANNOTATION_URL = "{screen_id}"
DOWNLOAD_URL = "{ann_id}"

qs = {'screen_id': screen_id}
url = FILEANNOTATION_URL.format(**qs)
for a in session.get(url).json()['annotations']:
    namespace = a['ns']
    ann_id = a['id']
    qs2 = {'ann_id':  a['id']}
    url2 = DOWNLOAD_URL.format(**qs2)
    print ("Download URL:", url2)

Attributes (e.g. Gene Symbol, Phenotype Term Accession…)

Load all the possible values associated to a specific key e.g. Gene Symbol:

KEY = "Gene Symbol"
KEYS_SEARCH = "{type}/searchvaluesusingkey/?key={key}"

values = []
qs1 = {'type': 'image', 'key': KEY}
url = KEYS_SEARCH.format(**qs1)  
json = session.get(url).json()
for d in json['data']:
    if d['Value']:
print (values)

Get the Images that are annotated with a given gene:

KEY = "Gene Symbol"
IMAGE_URL = "{base}/webclient/?show=image-{image_id}"
IMAGE_VIEWER = "{base}/webclient/img_detail/{image_id}/"
THUMBNAIL_URL = "{base}/webclient/render_thumbnail/{image_id}/"
ATTRIBUTES_URL = "{base}/webclient/api/annotations/?type=map&image={image_id}"  # noqa

KEY_VALUE_SEARCH = "{type}/search/?key={key}&value={value}"
gene = "ade8"
qs1 = {'type': 'image', 'key': KEY, 'value': gene}
url = KEY_VALUE_SEARCH.format(**qs1)  
json = session.get(url).json()
if 'results' in json['results']:
    images = json['results']['results']
    for image in images:
        image_id = image['id']
        print('Image link:', IMAGE_URL.format(**{'base': IDR_BASE_URL, 'image_id': image_id}))
        print('Image viewer link:', IMAGE_VIEWER.format(**{'base': IDR_BASE_URL, 'image_id': image_id}))
        print('Thumbnail URL:', THUMBNAIL_URL.format(**{'base': IDR_BASE_URL, 'image_id': image_id}))
        key_values = image['key_values']
        for k in key_values:
            print ("%s, %s" % (k['name'], k['value']))

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OMERO is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. For more information, visit

IDR logo version: devel. Last updated: 2025-02-18.